近几年,迅航星辰代理的MSK, PIL, OOCL, COSCO,HPL等各大船公司的澳大利亚、新西兰、南太平洋航线的货量稳步上升,公司在业界拥有一定的知名度和影响力!
This new service will offer market leading transit time, connecting South China with Papua New Guinea and South Pacific Islands. The maiden voyage will commence on 28 February 2017 from Nansha, China. It will deploy 3 x 1,100 teus ships turning in six weeks covering two successive loops:
Rotation of Loop 1: Nansha - Gaolan - Hong Kong - Shekou - Lae - Honiara - Noumea - Suva - Lautoka - Lae - Nansha
Rotation of Loop 2: Nansha - Gaolan - Hong Kong - Shekou - Lae - Noumea - Suva - Lautoka - Majuro - Nansha
航线优势 Service Advantage
Fixed day fortnightly from China to Lae, Noumea, Suva, Lautoka
28 days departures from China to Honiara to Majuro, with Tarawa served on inducement
通过南沙、香港的中转,SPS航线也可转接东北亚和部分东南亚地区的货物。此外,通过斐济或努美阿的转运,我司将提供至Western Samoa (Apia)(西萨摩亚群岛的阿皮亚港)、American Samoa (Pago Pago)(东萨摩亚的帕果帕果港)、Tonga (Vavau)(汤加的瓦瓦乌岛港)、Vanuatu (Port Vila and Santo)(瓦努阿图的维拉港和桑托港)、Kiribati (Tarawa)(基里巴斯的塔拉瓦港)、Tuvalu (Funafuti)(图瓦卢的富纳富提港)、Wallis & Futuna (Futuna and Wallis)(瓦利斯和富图纳群岛的富图纳和瓦利斯港)、Cook Islands (Rarotonga)(库克群岛的拉罗汤加港)等港口的更快捷服务。
The service can also connect cargo from North East Asia and some South East Asia origins via Nansha & Hong Kong transhipment. There will also be new & faster options for cargo from these origins to tranship in Fiji or Noumea and onto the islands of Western Samoa (Apia) / American Samoa (Pago Pago) / Tonga (Vavau) / Vanuatu (Port Vila and Santo) / Kiribati (Tarawa) / Tuvalu (Funafuti) / Wallis & Futuna (Futuna and Wallis) and Cook Islands (Rarotonga).